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Who We Are

We at Zion are a community of love..

... sounds nice, but what does that really mean? We are a very diverse group of folks. Zion is the church several locals grew up in, a new home for many transplants and the summer parish of some very wealthy people. Zion has within its fold alcoholics—some in denial, some in recovery, some who haven’t got a clue, as well as former prostitutes, former drug dealers and former addicts. We are heterosexuals and homosexuals, married people and single people—some in the midst of divorces, some divorced. We are ski instructors, bartenders, lawyers, doctors, nurses,


stockbrokers, writers, artists, musicians, teachers. We are employees, the unemployed and those who have never had to work for anyone else and never will. We are mothers, fathers, infants, toddlers, teenagers, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts and uncles; homeowners, people who will never own a home of their own, some who own several homes and some on the verge of eviction. Some of us are just beginning life, some are in the prime of life and some are watching their body age and fall apart. Among us are those afflicted with various and sundry illnesses such as cancer, MS and heart disease.


We are the halt, the lame, the healthy, liberal Democrats, conservative Republicans, pro-choice, pro-life; confident believers, doubting Thomases, Anglo-Catholics, evangelicals, liberals and charismatics.


What are we called to do? To follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who desires that we “love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind. And to love our neighbor as ourselves.” Needless to say, this is not an easy task and we are not always successful. Yet this approach to community life is the only way such a diverse group of people could join together in prayer as we labor in the Lord’s vineyard striving to fulfill the tasks He has given Zion. Just think of what we have done together!


How have we been able to do what we have done? By placing our plans, our hopes, our dreams and our fears into His hands, trusting in His power to motivate and direct us as we strive to follow where we believe He is leading us.


The Rev. John S. Mitchell

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